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A freestanding supermarket on State Road in Plymouth, blocks from Cape Cod Bay.

The Property

  • Market: Boston-Cambridge-Quincy
  • SF: 59,726
  • Spaces Available: 0
  • Key Retailers: SHAW'S
  • Annual Visits: 915,520


  • (within 3 miles)
  • Overall Population: 14,647
  • Daytime Population: 9,313


  • (within 3 miles)
  • Household Income: $157,860
  • Avg Home Value: $649,373

 Site Plan

Shaw's at Plymouth

59,726 SF

A SHAW'S 59,726

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Shaw's at Plymouth Trade Area Map for Plymouth, MA 02360

Aerial satellite map view of the area around Regency Center, Shaw's at Plymouth showing major streets, retailers, landmarks and any Regency properties in the area. Retailers shown on the map, include: Shaw's, CVS/Pharmacy, Subway, Dunkin' Donuts, Powerhouse Gyms. Regency Center Shaw's at Plymouth is at 2260 Route 3A State Road in Plymouth Massachusetts.


Shaw's at Plymouth

Population in a 1-Mile Radius is 2,563
Population in a 3-Mile Radius is 14,647
Population in a 5-Mile Radius is 30,483
Population in a 10-Min Drive is 17,870
Daytime Population in a 1-Mile Radius is 2,288
Daytime Population in a 3-Mile Radius is 9,313
Daytime Population in a 5-Mile Radius is 21,087
Daytime Population in a 10-Min Drive is 12,799
Average Household Income in a 1-Mile Radius is 167,398
Average Household Income in a 3-Mile Radius is 157,860
Average Household Income in a 5-Mile Radius is 154,601
Average Household Income in a 10-Min Drive is 156,081
Average Home Value
Average Home Value in a 1-Mile Radius is 674,291
Average Home Value in a 3-Mile Radius is 649,373
Average Home Value in a 5-Mile Radius is 653,237
Average Home Value in a 10-Min Drive is 674,637
People with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher in a 1-Mile Radius is 45.9%
People with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher in a 3-Mile Radius is 47.8%
People with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher in a 5-Mile Radius is 46.9%
People with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher in a 10-Min Drive is 48.5%
Vehicles Per Day: 12,528

Source: Esri 2024


We're neighbors!

Shaw's at Plymouth is part of the local community. Its retailers and culture reflect the lifestyle needs of the neighborhoods that surround the center.

Community Questions

Email for information about Shaw's at Plymouth and the community.